

Welcome to the Garden Fibres website, a blog exploring gardening, crafting and all things between.


My name’s Kate, and I live in a small end-terrace suburban house in Gloucestershire. I have an interest in gardening, self-sufficiency, biodiversity and permaculture so over the last few years I have been trying to turn my little garden (c. 0.01ha/130m2) into my own personal paradise, rich in wildlife and a source of organic food and materials.

I am also an obsessive crafter with my main interests being spinning, knitting, crochet, felting, natural dyeing and recently, wild basketry/weaving.


I hope you find this site interesting and want to follow along with what I’ve been up to, including both successes and failures, learning along the way.


Topics will include:

  • No-dig, small-scale organic gardening
  • Garden wildlife
  • Growing, harvesting and processing fibre plants
  • Growing dye materials
  • Wool, textile and other crafts

So why Garden Fibres? I want to demonstrate how it’s possible to combine my main passions of gardening and crafting within a small space. Whilst I love being out in the countryside, I feel a little conflicted harvesting from the wild and so prefer to encourage or introduce ‘useful’ plants within my own space, with the added benefits of improving biodiversity in my urban settings, enhancing my surroundings and increasing my sustainability in a small way.


I’d love to hear your experiences and thoughts so feel free to get in touch.

All the best
